Workshops are where attendees who desire to engage in thoughtful discussion go to learn how God uses gospel-centered mission to address the deep spiritual needs of the world around us.
Titles and Descriptions
Apologetics: Learn how to communicate clearly what we believe so that we can more lovingly and clearly communicate the truth of the Gospel. This workshop will help us become equipped in knowing how to think about Jesus, Scripture, and the mission of God in the world today so that we can share it well with our neighbors. Bradley Hall – Classroom B1
Local Missions & Outreach: Who are the “underreached people groups” in our cultures today? In this workshop we’ll talk about contemporary world missions and what it might mean to take the whole Gospel to the whole person in the whole world. Bradley Hall – Classroom B2
Global Missions: Learn what God is doing all around the world through His people. How can you get involved in reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus? We’ll learn about cross-cultural trips, connecting with people across cultures/beliefs, and how to do global missions. Mitchell Library 108

Justice and Missions: Engage with contemporary and biblical examples of what faith in action looks like as a Christian on mission and consider how you can live justly with a Micah 6:8 mentality that connects the Gospel to those with enormous need in the world, and your neighborhoods and schools. Consider how God’s mission and justice overlap and your role to play in reconciling and reflecting God’s justice in the world today. Mitchell Library 101
Middle School Missions: Junior Highers are not “Junior Missionaries.” Come and be inspired as you find out how you can participate in God’s Mission in our world today. Bradley Hall Classroom B4
Prepared to Go: Get an idea of the practical skills, personal habits and spiritual disciplines to begin developing as you discern going on the mission field for a short or long-term period of service. Bradley Hall – Classroom B3
Missional Women: Women carry a unique reflection of God. Let’s come together and learn how we are made in God’s image to share God’s glory and grace in the world. What does it mean to be a female missionary? Let’s hear from missional women how they’ve communicated across cultural barriers and be inspired to help others know God’s gracious love. Mitchell Library 109
Workshop Session #1 – 6:15-7:00 PM
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
Sharing the Gospel Effectively
Samuel Skreen – Ratio Christi
Gain confidence in your ability to talk to others about Christ. This workshop will provide practical tips on starting more conversations and making the most of each opportunity.
Bradley hall classroom B2
Reaching your school with Christ
Ty Collier – Fellowship of Christian Athletes
How to start and run on-campus clubs, focusing the E3 Discipleship Pathway– engage, equip, empower.
Missions in China & business as missions
Lili Yeo
What might it look like to do global missions through the lens of business? What does a life on mission for Jesus look like in global business? Come learn from a Shark Tank participant and founder and CEO of Goumi how your passion for God’s Kingdom can work itself out in the global marketplace.
mitchell library 101
Witness is The Mission & The Engine of Sanctification
Josh White
A consideration of the relationship of witness to mission and Spiritual formation. In a day when Christianity has made personal growth the focus; we must ask why is it not working? Why are young people especially leaving the church in droves? Maybe it is because we have lost our ‘WHY’?
Bradley hall classroom b4
Real Life Convo
The Ambassador Forum
Experience a fun time of engaging an apologetics topic over pizza with The Ambassador Forum. Middle School students and Youth leaders only.
mitchell library 109
Malagasy Vanilla
Karen Neumann
Meet Karen Neumann, a woman who followed Jesus to Madagascar for decades of missions. She will share lessons, stories, and inspiration from her life as a woman on mission with God. Let her example encourage and embolden you!
Workshop Session #1 – 6:15-7:00 PM
Sharing the Gospel Effectively
Samuel Skreen – Ratio Christi
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
Gain confidence in your ability to talk to others about Christ. This workshop will provide practical tips on starting more conversations and making the most of each opportunity.
Reaching your school with Christ
Ty Collier – Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Bradley hall classroom B2
How to start and run on-campus clubs, focusing the E3 Discipleship Pathway– engage, equip, empower.
Missions in China & business as missions
Lili Yeo
What might it look like to do global missions through the lens of business? What does a life on mission for Jesus look like in global business? Come learn from a Shark Tank participant and founder and CEO of Goumi how your passion for God’s Kingdom can work itself out in the global marketplace.
Witness is The Mission & The Engine of Sanctification
Josh White
mitchell library 101
A consideration of the relationship of witness to mission and Spiritual formation. In a day when Christianity has made personal growth the focus; we must ask why is it not working? Why are young people especially leaving the church in droves? Maybe it is because we have lost our ‘WHY’?
Real Life Convo
The Ambassador Forum
Bradley hall classroom b4
Experience a fun time of engaging an apologetics topic over pizza with The Ambassador Forum. Middle School students and Youth leaders only.
Malagasy Vanilla
Karen Neumann
mitchell library 109
Meet Karen Neumann, a woman who followed Jesus to Madagascar for decades of missions. She will share lessons, stories, and inspiration from her life as a woman on mission with God. Let her example encourage and embolden you!
Workshop Session #2 – 10:30-11:15 AM
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
Engaging Modern Culture
Samuel Skreen – Ratio Chisti
Is the Bible Reliable? How can Jesus be the only way? Is Christianity hateful? Is Christianity anti-science? Learn the basics of answering these questions from a Biblical worldview.
Bradley Hall Classroom B2
Your story, my story, God’s story
Come learn how to explore and share the good news of the gospel with those God has already placed in your life through the ways He is at work in your life.
What in the World is God doing?
Alin Vrancila – Jessup University
A discussion on the state of Christian missions globally and how to know if God is calling you to the international mission field.
mitchell library 101
Bridging the Divide, Peacebuilding as Christian Witness
Dr. Greg Burch & Dr. Karen Fancher
As followers of Jesus we are called to participate in God’s redemptive purposes in the world. We seek to foster the restoration of “shalom” in this world through the work of Christ. The love of Christ compels us to love others including those who the world might consider our “enemies.” In this workshop we will discuss how to live faithfully in light of our convictions and callings as followers of Jesus, and seek to understand the concept of peacebuilding as defined in Scripture. We will look at how peacebuilding is critical for our Christian identity, discipleship, redemptive engagement and witness in a complex and fractured world.
bradley hall classroom b4
Sharing the Gospel in your Daily Life
Tracy Halstead – CEF
This workshop goes over the main points of the Gospel and how to share the good news of Jesus Christ with your friends using 5 colors. We will also cover how to answer some common questions that people might ask that are keeping them from coming to Jesus.
Bradley Hall Classroom B3
Missions NOW!
Kevin Young – CRU
mitchell library 109
Trail Blazers then, Torch Bearers NOW…
Leng Halstead – CEF
We are taking a look at some of the well-known women missionaries of our times ( Mary Slessor, Amy Carmichael, Elizabeth Elliot, Ruth Graham …) and learn from them what it takes to be a woman and a missionary As we learn from them, we challenge ourselves to carry the torch into the future generations to reach people for Jesus with the gospel of Jesus .
Workshop Session #2 – 10:30-11:15 AM
Engaging Modern Culture
Samuel Skreen – Ratio Chisti
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
Is the Bible Reliable? How can Jesus be the only way? Is Christianity hateful? Is Christianity anti-science? Learn the basics of answering these questions from a Biblical worldview.
Your story, my story, God’s story
Bradley Hall Classroom B2
Come learn how to explore and share the good news of the gospel with those God has already placed in your life through the ways He is at work in your life.
What in the World is God doing?
Alin Vrancila – Jessup University
A discussion on the state of Christian missions globally and how to know if God is calling you to the international mission field.
Bridging the Divide, Peacebuilding as Christian Witness
Dr. Greg Burch & Dr. Karen Fancher
mitchell library 101
As followers of Jesus we are called to participate in God’s redemptive purposes in the world. We seek to foster the restoration of “shalom” in this world through the work of Christ. The love of Christ compels us to love others including those who the world might consider our “enemies.” In this workshop we will discuss how to live faithfully in light of our convictions and callings as followers of Jesus, and seek to understand the concept of peacebuilding as defined in Scripture. We will look at how peacebuilding is critical for our Christian identity, discipleship, redemptive engagement and witness in a complex and fractured world.
Sharing the Gospel in your Daily Life
Tracy Halstead – CEF
bradley hall classroom b4
This workshop goes over the main points of the Gospel and how to share the good news of Jesus Christ with your friends using 5 colors. We will also cover how to answer some common questions that people might ask that are keeping them from coming to Jesus.
Missions NOW!
Kevin Young – CRU
Bradley Hall Classroom B3
Trail Blazers then, Torch Bearers NOW…
Leng Halstead – CEF
mitchell library 109
We are taking a look at some of the well-known women missionaries of our times ( Mary Slessor, Amy Carmichael, Elizabeth Elliot, Ruth Graham …) and learn from them what it takes to be a woman and a missionary As we learn from them, we challenge ourselves to carry the torch into the future generations to reach people for Jesus with the gospel of Jesus .
Workshop Session #3 – 1:45-2:30 PM
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
Jesus, Being Human, and Identity
Josh Burks – George Fox University and Ratio Christi
This workshop will (1) equip students to understand how cultural narratives of what it means to be human impact our sense of identity, (2) show how our humanity and identity is rooted in Jesus, and (3) briefly discuss how to navigate conversations of identity with others.
Outreach Training in Plenary Area
“Why doesn’t God speak my language?”
Danny Foster – CANIL
With more than 1,200 language communities having no translation of the Bible, millions of people are still unable to access God’s Word for themselves. In this workshop you’ll be introduced to a very exciting ministry with unprecedented transformative power. You’ll discover the importance of Bible translation, what linguistics is all about, and even try a bit of linguistic analysis for yourself!
Workshop Session #3 – 1:45-2:30 PM
Jesus, Being Human, and Identity
Josh Burks – George Fox University and Ratio Christi
Bradley Hall - Classroom B1
This workshop will (1) equip students to understand how cultural narratives of what it means to be human impact our sense of identity, (2) show how our humanity and identity is rooted in Jesus, and (3) briefly discuss how to navigate conversations of identity with others.
Outreach Training in Plenary Area
“Why doesn’t God speak my language?”
Danny Foster – CANIL
With more than 1,200 language communities having no translation of the Bible, millions of people are still unable to access God’s Word for themselves. In this workshop you’ll be introduced to a very exciting ministry with unprecedented transformative power. You’ll discover the importance of Bible translation, what linguistics is all about, and even try a bit of linguistic analysis for yourself!
Register Soon!
Student Connexion strives to provide a launching point for youth into a lifetime involvement of SERVING JESUS through missions and ministry by connecting them with the mission field of TODAY! Join us on October 11-12, 2024.